1/4" Socket Drive Metric 12 Point Double Insulated 1000V

1/4″ Socket Drive Metric 12 Point Double Insulated 1000V


Double Insulated Socket contains patented Allendrive feature for greater gripping power and chamfered openings provide fast, positive positioning.


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made in the USA As a Key Manufacturer of double-insulated safety hand tools, tested to 10,000 VAC, for work on any electrical circuits to 1000 VAC / 1500 VDC for protection of people, property, production, and performance, OEL guarantees the complete tool FOR LIFE. This LIFETIME WARRANTY includes the mechanical parts of the tools, provided they are used for the purpose for which they are intended, and OELS insulation is guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship FOR LIFE. Any product failing to conform to this warranty should be sent to OEL Worldwide Industry, where the product will be inspected than repaired or replaced.


  • Meets IEC 900 Standard for Insulated Hand Tools
  • Exceed ASTM 1505-01 Standards for Insulated Hand Tools
  • Helps meet OSHA Requirements 29 CFR Part 1910.331-335 Subpart S; 29 CFR Part 1910.269 Subpart K
  • Meets NFPA 70E Requirements
  • Tested to 10,000VAC and rated for 1000VAC Maximum Exposure Impact Resistant and Flame Retardant

Insulated tools are beginning to emerge as a result of electrical safety related work practice 1910.331 0 .33 OSHA standards, to safeguard personnel as well as equipment that is susceptible to shorting out and creating spiking surges to electronic apparatuses. Compliance with these standards will reduce the number of electrical accidents resulting from unsafe work practices by employees. OSHA has enacted laws making it mandatory for the electrical industry to develop and implement safety procedures, provide safety equipment, and train employee who are exposed to 50 volts or more to ground. Every insulated hand tool we manufacture and sell is rated for exposure up to 1000VAC and di-electrically tested at 10,000VAC. These tools meet or exceed ASTM F1505-01 and IEC 900 Standards for Insulated Hand Tools. These tools are necessary for compliance with OSHA 1910.333 (c)(2), and NFPA 70E 2012.

The insulating material used is impact resistant and flame retardant. Two-color insulation makes inspection easier which adds to the overall safety. If the yellow under layer is showing, the tool may no longer be insulated properly and should be considered for replacement and removed from service. We are capable of customizing and supplying any tools that require protection up to 1,000 V. We will also customize sets to meet your unique tool needs. Why buy standard sets that have unneeded tools? With Macron Safety you get the largest amount of 1000V American Made insulated tools in the world.

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